Sunday mornings at 8:00 am. That’s where Robert Streb found his drive. From a young age, it was during that early morning hour that Robert and his dad would head to the course. What started as a fun bond between father and son evolved into a competitive golf career and, eventually, a spot on the PGA TOUR. Today, along with his wife Maggie and his two children, Robert continues to fuel that drive, focusing on bettering his body, mind, and spirit.

What Drives Robert Streb?
When it comes to a conditioning routine, the key for Robert is no routine. His trainer, Terry, mixes things up with his workouts to keep him engaged and energized. For his diet, Robert’s family focuses on a clean diet conducive to those family members, like Robert, with asthma.
For the Strebs, traveling is the rule not the exception. Every week they are in a new city as Robert heads to another event. His wife, Maggie, works to keep things as routine as possible for everyone. Having this routine allows Robert to have a positive mindset on the course.
The role spirituality has played in Robert’s life has evolved as his family continues to get more involved in their church’s community. One thing they always like to do in the evening is spend time as a family sharing what they are thankful for.
How Dylan Wu Found His Drive.
For Dylan, every day is an opportunity to elevate his game. See how he utilizes all three aspects of his health–body, mind and spirit to fuel his drive.

What Drives You?
Everyone, professional or not, has something that drives them—to be a better person, to achieve their dreams, to live healthier. Finding that drive and fueling your body, mind and spirit, is what helps us feel whole. AdventHealth is here to help you take positive steps toward improving your whole health.